Monday, March 16, 2009

Lawn Aerating

This is a business idea that works great in the spring, but can be done several times during the year.

Rent an aerator. Get a friend to help and that you pay.

You take turns going from door to door and offer to aerate lawns for $30 per lawn or whatever the market in your area will take.

The other person runs the aerator, zipping around the lawns of the people who have paid for the service.

In one day you can each make from $150 - $300, depending on how quick you are with the aerator and how long your muscles last.

Many people do it with a rental machine until they get good enough and enough business to buy their own.

Or, hire a couple of guys to run machines and you go from door to door getting business. You can get many more lawns done this way. Pay the kids by the hour and you can make some serious money.